[ARCHIVED] Archive Old Courses?

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HI all...is there a way to archive old courses from an admin level so that when teachers or course designers are looking to import or copy materiasl they don't have to wade through a list of courses frm the past five years? I could swear I've seen this settig previously, but don't know where. Our course designers need to go into a new shell, import content from an old course - but they never need to go further back than the past two years...

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @denise_lombardo  Thank You for your very important question. There's nothing like a good spring clean.

I think this guide has the information you need https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12970-4152719643 

It contains a few options depending on how your institution has things set up.

Sing out if you need a hand. 

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