[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] master page from which different courses be accessed

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Can I create a master page from which different courses (Stats, Cal, Physics) can be accessed.

I am a small high school where parents have access to view canvas. I wanted to make one central master page that parents and students could access. This page would contain all my information relevant to all students, parents and the school. From this master page students and parents could click a link to enter their unique course. I teach some of these kids 3 times a day and just trying to simply for me, students and  parents.

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Community Team

@rmiller847 Thank you for reaching out to the community for support! 

At this time there is no feature that would allow you to have a master page for students in a variety of courses to view information. Pages are restricted by their course enrollments so only students enrolled in a course can see the page. 

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