[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] How reliable are the statistics on Panopto recordings?

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I run a hybrid class in which half the class attends discussions, which are recorded on Panopto and are required viewing for students who do not attend discussions. Yesterday was the first time that I looked at the statistics, and they're TERRIBLE. It looks like around five online students watch the entire two-hour video, two watch five minutes or so, and six seem to ignore the video. 

Is it possible that the stats are wrong? Before I go on a tirade, I want to make sure that there's no way that they could be watching the videos without having a record of their accessing it on Canvas. These are distance-ed students, so I doubt that they're getting together in a cohort and watching en masse. Can I rely on the fact that they simply aren't getting the material from the lectures? 

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1 Solution

As far as Panopto recording statistics are concerned, we here at Canvas would not be too familiar with how these statistics could vary or differ from what the student is saying they had watched. You could potentially compare against Canvas Access Report data 

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I think you would need to reach out to Panopto about this as they would be best to ask about their statistics and how accurate they would be.

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