[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] Canvas Inbox Messaging

Community Member


I am finding that it is time consuming to work out exactly who the student is that is messaging me.

Running multiple courses across multiple states, sometimes I will get a message from simply a "James".

There could be 25+ James's across the various courses that we offer!

So my question to the community is... can it be set so as that the FULL names appear for the students??

A first name is difficult enough, but then sometimes students message and use their nickname, which adds another element of trickiness.

So far, I have had to deal with this by simply investigating using the limited information the student may have provided in their message. However, I often have to reply with, "please tell me your surname" in order to identify them. 

Thanks for your assistance. I look forward to your responses... Fingers crossed, it's a simple fix.

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