[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] Can't Delete an embedded video from Canvas Studio

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I embedded in a page a video created in Canvas studio. I can't delete it unless I delete the whole page.

Can anybody know how to delete it? Please help!

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1 Solution

Hello @sailingmoore and @tsluder ...

The way to delete a Studio video from a content page of your course is quite simple.  When editing the page in your course, place your cursor at the bottom right corner of the Studio video.  This should place a blinking text cursor on your screen along the right side edge of the Studio video.  Hit your "Backspace" key on your keyboard, and you should be able to remove the Studio video from your page without deleting any other content on the page.  Be sure to save your changes when done.

I hope this helps both of you.  Sing out if you have any questions...thanks!  Take care, stay safe, and be well.

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