Unable to Resize Rubric in SpeedGrader (iOS)

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Update #2 (5/7/24): The original functionality has been restored! Our tech department wrote to me yesterday saying that Instructure had pushed a solution for this issue. Once again, we are able to drag the sidebar to resize the rubric in the Canvas, accessory free.

*** End of Update ***

Update #1 (4/10/24): While the original "accessory free" functionality is still missing there is a workaround to this issue by connecting a Bluetooth mouse or trackpad which fills in for the touchscreen. For fixing the function (so you don't have to buy additional technology just to get something you were already using) I'm not sure what the timeline is. All I have from elevating the issue to our IT, who went to Instructure is this: 

Our engineering team is still investigating this issue. So far we have found that for rubric you can tap the sidebar edge to collapse and re-open it now but the drag actions is still not working to let you resize it.  

*** End of Update ***

Hi Instructure Community,

I work with HigerEd faculty members who teach clinical skills courses. Most assignments (95%) involve grading physical work from students like their work on models, forms, etc. Grading these physical models is done in simulation clinics and involves using iPads where faculty can walk around from model to model or from student to student. Because the student work is physical artifacts, the student work view (which when empty says "This student does not have a submission for this assignment") is absolutely useless for grading.

While grading in the past, faculty normally resize the rubric in speedgrader to minimize the view altogether but because of a current update (either to Canvas or iOS) we can't resize the rubric period. This completely eliminates all digital grading in this manner. One more note is that the inability to resize is independent on browser (both Safari and Chrome have the issue), and utilizing the "Canvas Instructor App" won't work because when using a detailed rubric, not enough of the criteria is visible.

So here are some questions:

  • Is anyone else having this issue?
  • How could the rubric be resized now, so we can see all the criteria?
  • Is there any way, the whole "student submission for the assignment" can be taken away so instructors can see and use just the rubric?

Thank You for your ideas!

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1 Solution

Hi James,

A useful workaround I noticed is this: if you connect a Bluetooth mouse to your iPad, you can use it to adjust the separator all the way to the left, giving you access to the rubric in full view, rather than the narrower options available with touch controls.

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