Broken Link Error

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Community Novice

I am trying to watch the Pacific: The Leadership Game introduction video but it says "Broken Link Error". This isn't too urgent due to I believe it's a tutorial or something similar, but I did want to bring it to your attention. I have attached a screenshot of the issue I'm receiving. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ChaseGarrett,

You may not realize this, but you posted this comment in the global community of INstructure product (like Canvas) users.  Unfortunately, we don't have any access to your courses, so aren't going to be too helpful in this situation.  I'd recommend reaching out to your teacher directly via whatever methods they have made available to you (email, Canvas inbox, phone, etc) to let them know about the issue, as they should be able to fix the link for you.

Hope this helps a bit!


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