What's New from the ID Crew + Canvas for Elementary FREEBIES

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

What's New from the ID Crew + Canvas for Elementary FREEBIES

What’s Included in This Post?
• Updates on Ready-Made Templates, Custom Templates, Template Subscription, and Consultation Hours
• Canvas for Elementary FREEBIE
• Extra ID Resources


Ready-Made Templates

We launched a major overhaul to the Ready-Made Template Suite just about a year ago; check out 2020 Course Design Essentials: Ready-Made Template Refresh if you’re interested in finding out more. This week we’re adding a few more templates into our suite and the template subscription (a new product we launched a few months ago). You can find all the deets about Ready-Made Templates in our public-facing Canvas Course: Design Services | Ready-Made Templates, including links to our One Pager and preview access to the Ready-Made Template Suite.   

Custom Templates

Love the idea of templates but want one customized to reflect your institution’s style guide and needs? Work directly with an Instructional Designer at Instructure and get EXACTLY what you want and need. You can find more about Custom Templates in our Canvas Course: Design Services | Custom Templates. This page includes a link to our One Pager and a slide deck with Course Design Examples. I LOVE that our team is sharing some of their best work in that slide deck. We hope you get inspired by the design ideas and either build your own amazing courses or work directly with one of our experts. If interested in purchasing a Custom Template, contact your CSM.

Template Subscription

We’ve had users who have wanted an easier way for teachers to add templates directly to their course and access to EVERY template. Our awesome Custom Dev Team at Instructure built a slick way to create this experience. You can find all the deets about the Template Subscription in our Canvas Course: Design Services | Template Subscription including links to our One Pager, directions for teachers, and a screencast that demos this incredible new product. If interested in purchasing the template subscription, contact your CSM. Check it out; it’s seriously AMAZEBALLS!

Consultation Hours

One of my favorite ways for our team to support clients is through consultation hours. Consultation hours 

  1. Support all client types (K12, HED, Corporate, etc.), 
  2. Meet all budgets (from small to large budgets and everything in between), and 
  3. Accommodate clients and THEIR goals. Want us to do the heavy lifting? We’ve got you covered! Want to learn from the pros? We do that too! 

Once again, you can find more info on Design Services | Consultation Hours. We really hope you gather inspiration from the slide decks you’ll find there. 

  • Content Enhancement Examples
  • Course Build Examples
  • Gold/Silver/Bronze Course Examples
Canvas for Elementary FREEBIE

Canvas for Elementary.png

We love the AWESOME new feature “Canvas for Elementary.” In our desire to support any and all users who have enabled this interface, we’re providing a free resource you can find in Canvas Commons, Canvas for Elementary | Course Card/Banners. Simply import the module into your existing course and you’ll have all eight files. Select the file that best represents your course and use it as your course card (which will then automatically show up as the banner in the respective course). Have more questions about the Canvas for Elementary feature? I’ve gathered my favorite resources from the Canvas Community.


Final Thoughts

The Instructional Design Team at Instructure has some AMAZING resources in the Canvas Community… and they’re all FREE! I’ll list my top three for you but dive into the Canvas Community for more. Plus it’s a great place to connect with other amazing peeps. 

If you missed the CanvasLIVE, watch the recording from the June 9, 2021 session: What's new from the ID crew + FREEBIES! and/or review the What's new from the ID crew + FREEBIES! | LS Canvas Live Event | Slide Deck.

Well, that’s a wrap. We’ve accomplished A LOT in the last year or so. I’m sure, like most of you, we’re glad 2020 is literally 20/20. We love hearing from our partners, friends, and clients, so feel free to drop us a comment below. Meanwhile, we’ll continue to create awesomeness that will help y’all.


Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!


Our Instructional Design team offers templates, consultation, badging services, course evaluations, workshops, and more. If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your CSM or @deonne_johnson, Manager, Learning Services, via djohnson@instructure.com