[Gradebook] Message Students Who... for Grade Totals

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

I'd like to be able to use the 'message students who' function in the gradebook for more than a single assignment.  It would be useful to be able to go to the column in the gradebook for an assignment group and use the 'message students who'.  Same applies for the total grade column so teachers could after the first two weeks send out a message to all students that are under performing early enough for them to change there behavior.
We have three very similar ideas, all of which are open for voting, associated with the Message Students Who... feature, and we're grouping them here to keep Canvas Studio tidy. These are the other two:
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Participant
Problem statement:

Teachers have the ability to "message students who...." in each assignment in course grades, but cannot do this for overall scores. I have no way to differentiate messaging based on overall progress in a course. There is no way to get a filtered view of people in different scoring ranges.

Proposed solution:

It there was a "message students who..." or an "apply filter by score," I could further differentiate by overall progress in a course. For example, I could target remediation and tutoring by blind copying students in specific ranges -- students >70% come to tutoring on Monday, <69% come on Wednesday. I could also use the export current view to see how different groups in a scoring range perform on specific assignments. A discrimination index provided in Canvas does exactly this, but this would be an additional visual way of deciphering.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

There is currently no quick way of sending a message to students based on their overall grades. Under the TOTAL tab, there is no option to "message students who" like there is under each assignment in the gradebook. "I need to email all of the students who have a D or an F to let them know of their current grade in the course and what they can do to bring up their grades." "I need to email all of the students who have an A or a B to let them know they are doing fantastic."

Proposed solution:

The solution: Under the TOTAL tab in the gradebook- have one of those "message students who" options. I would like to be able to choose students who are above or below a certain percentage grade in the class. Why: A teacher can have upward of 100 students, and messaging based on their grades is an important feature for CANVAS to have to ease the work on the teacher. I can "message students who" on individual assignments, but not from TOTAL grades. Example: Failing Notice "I want to email all of the students who have an F a failing notice so I go to the TOTAL tab in the grade book, select "message students who" and check students below 60%. I can now quickly message all students who have a certain grade. Example: Celebrating Success "I want to email all of the students who have an A or B to let them know they are doing fantastic. I go to the TOTAL tab in the grade book, select "message students who" and check students 80% and above. Now I can quickly message all of the students who have a certain grade."

User role(s):


Community Participant
Problem statement:

When my students aren't doing well in a class (about weeks 4-12), I like to send a message to them to see if they are okay. The Message Students Who feature is great for individual assignments, but it doesn't allow me to Message Students Who aren't doing well in the class.

Proposed solution:

If the Final Score column had a Message Students Who function, we could send a message to students who have less than a certain grade in the class at that time to reach out to them and help them progress in the class. I would think the code that is already being used for the assignments could be added to the final score column in the grade area.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-04-24) 

The feature is not included in the Notes at the time of this update. Expect the notes to be updated by Tuesday, April 30.